| CV available upon request

Carrie Chen (she/her) is an artist based in Los Angeles. She works with CG animation, game engine simulation and installation to explore how digital figuration can be a poetic and multidimensional means to express ideas about hybridity, representation, time and memory. Spending time between the US and China, Carrie’s practice draws on non-Western ontologies and narratives while also deconstructing and reconfiguring her relationship to intercultural identity. With a transdisciplinary approach, she is interested in what she calls the “Productive Uncanny” and engages with the complexities of social behavior, digital bodies, culture and technology.

Carrie has exhibited and held talks internationally. She is a recipient of the 2024 STRP Award for Creative Technology and has been recognized as the 2024 Emerging Curator at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE). She was a resident at Gazell.iO and has held talks at X Museum, CalArts Experimental Animation and Otis College of Art and Design. 

Her expanded practice involves curation, lectures, art direction, design commissions, and teaching. She is currently Creative Director at Spectra Studio, and teaches Advanced Visual Communication at USC’s Media Arts + Practice program. She is also a lecturer at Parsons Design and Technology. 

Carrie holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Psychology and Art History from New York University, and an MFA in Design Media Art from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Carrie Chen 是一位常驻洛杉矶的艺术家和教育工作者。她的作品涵盖了CG动画、模拟和新媒体装置。她善于用数字化形象以诗意和多维度的方式表达对文化融合、表象、时间和记忆的思考。成长于中、美两国,Carrie 审视非西方的本体论与叙事,同时解构并反思她与自身美国华裔身份和历史的关系。采用现象学和跨学科的探索方式,她的近期实践关注于实体和虚拟身份之间的纠缠关系,以及它们与文化、数字化社会、和社会行为的交汇。

她的作品在国际不同的展览展出并曾获得众多奖项和演讲机会, 包括2024年STRP Award for Creative Technology和LACE洛杉矶当代展览2024年新锐策展人。她曾在Gazell.iO担任驻地艺术家,并在X Museum、CalArts Experimental Animation 和 Otis College of Art and Design 学院举办过讲座。她目前是Spectra Studio的艺术总监。现任教于南加州大学的Media Arts + Practice和Parsons Design and Technology。
